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It would be the height of folly not to prepare for peace, just as in the years prior to December 7, 1941, it would have been the height of folly not to prepare for war. If we are to expect guarantees against military or economic aggression from other nations, we must be willing to give guarantees that we will not be guilty of such aggression ourselves.
We can be decently human and really hardheaded if we exchange our postwar surplus for goods, for peace, and for a higher standard of living for the so-called backward peoples. We can get more for our surplus production in this way than by any high tariff, penny-pinching, isolationist policies which hide under the cloak of one-hundred-percent Americanism. A world family of nations cannot be really healthy unless the various nations in that family are getting along well in their own internal affairs.
...by the average man in the street, who sums it up in a nutshell like this: If everybody can get a job in war work now, why can’t everybody get a job in peacetime work later on? He will demand an answer. And the returning soldier and sailor will demand an answer. And this will be the test of statesmanship on the home front, just as ability to cooperate with other nations for peace and improved living standards will be the test of statesmanship on the international front. If we all do our part, there will be new opportunity and new security for the common man—that blend of liberty and unity which is the bright goal of millions who are bravely offering up their lives on the battlefronts of the world.
If we all do our part, there will be new opportunity and new security for the common man—that blend of liberty and unity which is the bright goal of millions who are bravely offering up their lives on the battlefronts of the world.


Wallace Outlines Post War Needs for World Peace