映像ニッポンノメイショ V1H1825000057


フォックスニュース(Fox News)
館内限定公開 色彩無 音声有 貸出不可

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(原文)0'05 "
The historic and legendary City of Kyoto, full of relics of many centuries, stands out with the manufacture of various fine art items.
The water of the Kamo River has a special reputation in fixing dyes on silk fabrics.
1 '54 "
Here, is one of the largest cotton textile mills.
The feature which draws your attention is the admirable establishment of comfort towards greater welfare of the workers.
They live in these homes or dormitories.
2'17 "
The ships are coming from all nations, and here also thousands of raw material are unloaded, that you sent to us for processing in the industries of Japan.
2'57 "
The same waves that wash the coast of Japan, also wash the coasts of the Americas as if they come directly and maintain latent our traditional link so suggestively named after the name of the great Pacific Ocean, and no matter how great he distance between us, we are neighbors and we can shake hands.
3'25 "
Be our friends forever and until the next film.
3'32 "
JZK, dear listeners of Latin America.
Here is Radio Tokyo. Let's take first the news and entertainment program developed by the Overseas Department of Radio Station of Japan Corporation.
You probably hear these calls in Spanish, which are emitted on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from this magnificent radio building, the largest in the Orient, that is provided with the latest technical developments.
4'02 "
Just imagine, these musical instruments are all from our own industry, and the same sound film, projected on this monitor, is also fully from our own production, to be filmed, synchronized, edited and explained by the Japanese staff.
4'29 "
This is the core of their vitality and reverence symbol of remembrance and patriotism, and the sons of the land of the rising sun, as the people form altogether a large family around the imperial throne.
4'44 "
Japan, which until recently has been, for the foreigners, a country of dreams and mystery, became, in a short period of time, one of the few countries that established the foundation of its traditional epics and legends, through a glorious effort.
Tokyo, the largest city after New York, is the heart of the political, cultural activity, and at the same time, it is an economic and industrial center.
5'11 "
The Marunouchi District is the synthesis of this emotion, full of beautiful buildings that include the public and private offices, banks, trading houses, theaters, etc.
5'24 "
Here is the Imperial Hotel, where the official and economic missions of Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica and Peru were recently hosted.
At a short walk from Marunouchi, on the famous street of Ginza, all those eastern and western elements of modern life are blooming, and, they satisfy the needs of the people, like no other cities in the world.
6'17 "
From these luxurious and spacious rooms, a great number of people walking by, the cars, who could have imagined Japan in this way, and what is consecrating now the people for the sacred(聞き取れない箇所) of Asia.
6'44 "
Look at the coffee, the product of your land, which entertains and enchants the life of the Japanese at any hour.
6'52 "
The state railways covers all Japan with the extension of 20 000 km in combination with lights and vapors, until reaching the last corner of its territory.
In spite of the widespread lines, an extreme punctuality, the high mechanism and the construction are recognized as those of the best in the world.

7.13 "
The high-speed express trains designated with friendly names such as "Golondrina, Fuji and Cherry" are running through central Japan.
7'35 "
The great ease of traffic is spread throughout the country, by radiating from Tokyo and in the air, from the Tokyo International Airport with departure at every moment of giant passengers aircraft, mail and news to all endpoints of Japan and reaching Beijing, Shanghai in the Continental Asia.
8.09 "
And now, through the Express Fuji, we go to visit other famous cities.
First Yokohama, which is located at twenty minutes from Tokyo by the electric train.
And it is a very familiar harbor for you, where ships come from all over the world.
9'09 "
The name of Mount Fuji goes often together with the name of Japan.
Indeed, this is the sacred and symbolic mountain of the pride of the Japanese spirit.
The traditional pilgrimage to Mount Fuji attracts and strengthens both the spiritual and physical life of the Japanese.


Life in Japan