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日本は、以前の会議で要求したこととまったく違うことを今、要求しているという噂が多く流れています。そうですね、状況、世界の全般的な状況が過去2回の会議の後、変わってきました。そして、再検討しなければならないことがあるように思います。でも私が、十分に自信をもって言えることは、日本が会議でどんな発言をし、どんな要求をしようと、 常に最も適切で、最も道理にかなったことを言い、要求するだろうということです。ありがとうございました。
(原文)Having come back to Japan on a furlough and having met many important people in Japan, I am very glad to be convinced that in this country, as well as in America, there is nothing but the wish, the desire that both countries—I mean Japan and the United States—should always be on the best of terms. You ask me about the forthcoming Naval Conference. I think it is still premature to say anything about it because it is still in the preparatory stage. As you know, there is going on the preparatory, preliminary conference in London at present. There is no reason why we should not come to some understanding under which the naval questions will be most satisfactorily solved as between Japan and the United States.
There are many rumors are abroad to the effect that Japan is demanding something entirely different from what Japan did at previous conferences. Well the situation, general situation of the world has changed since the last two conferences, and there may be some things which have to be reconsidered. But I can say with full confidence that whatever Japan might say, might demand, at the conference will be always most appropriate and reasonable. I thank you.
Coming back to Japan, I’m very glad to find that thinking people in this country are considering nothing but the promotion of good relations between Japan and the United States. It is just the same as in the United States, where thinking people are always endeavoring to promote good relations with Japan. From this fundamental idea, I have come to the conclusion that the forthcoming Naval Conference will find some satisfactory solutions, even if there may be many difficult technical points. I mean, that when it is a foregone conclusion that the two countries will remain always on the best of friendly terms…


Talk By Hiroshi Saito