映像ニッポンノシャカイトケイザイヲトリマクサマザマナモンダイ V1H0601000378


米国国立公文書館(National Archives and Records Administration)
視聴可 色彩無 音声無 貸出不可



Produced by The Religious Motion Picture Foundation Incorporated
The authenticity of this picture was made possible through the friendly cooperation of outstanding Japanese in this country and American students of Japanese culture who gave generously of their time and advice. Grateful acknowledgment is also made of the use of exhibits of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Brooklyn Museum.

●our neighbor(隣人)
・鉄道 交通
・鳥居 桜 祇園祭 文化
・凧揚げ 鹿
●Historical Background(歴史的背景)
In 57 A.D. while the half-savage inhabitants of the British Isles still lacked a written language, the equally primitive Japanese were beginning to import the rich culture of the Chinese.
Slowly feudalism rooted itself in both countries. In Britain it weakened in the Fourteenth Century, but in Japan it continued until the Nineteenth.
・大名行列 武家
The British,having discovered the uses of iron and coal, turned to commerce and industry. The Japanese, peaceful and self contained, lost themselves in art and the beauties of nature.
(鉄と石炭の用途を発見したイギリス人は、商工業に目を向けました。 平和的で自己完結型の日本人は、芸術と自然の美しさに夢中になりました)
・装束を身につけた日本人 巻物 山水画 
St.Francis Xavier brought Christianity to Japan in 1549. But while England was persecuting nonconformists, Japan,fearing foreign aggression,was wiping out Christianity and closing her doors to the West.
During Japan's self isolation,the age of invention dawned in the West.(日本が鎖国をしている間に、西洋では発明の時代が幕を開けた)
・輸送 鉄道 汽車 船舶
In 1854,when Commodore Perry persuaded Japan to reopen her doors, she found herself far behind the Occident in science,commerce,industry,and educational facilities.
・渡船 人力
・水車 天秤棒での運搬
Disastrous clashes with foreign warships during the next ten years roused Japan to the necessity of complete modernization.
The model train,which,with other gifts,was presented to the Japanese Government by Commodore perry
Stimulated by a super patriotism,Japan began the strenuous march from feudalism toward equality with the greatest nations of the West.
The first need in this struggle for equality was to industrialize the country to make possible commercial competition.
[Central Islands of Japan][日本列島]
tea rice silk fish
(茶 米 絹 魚)
The population increased and concentrated in the cities,Industrialization progressed.
・建物 住宅街
Japans beautiful mountains and lakes occupy eighty-five fer cent of the land.
・山 湾、海 雪山 湖 自然
The increasing population compelled her,like Western nations, to seek outside sources for food and manufacturing materials.Korea and then Manchuria became her life line.(朝鮮半島、そして満洲がその生命線となった)
・地図で解説 石炭、鉄、木材、大豆の資源を持つ朝鮮半島と満洲
Meanwhile,idealists in the West were denouncing imperialism.But Japan,having witnessed the partition of the Orient,regarded this as envious hypocrisy and a threat of intervention.
・世界地図 東南アジア 植民地化
This situation, plus industrial rivalry,spurred Japan into military and naval competition. Today she has a great merchant marine ando the third largest navy in the world.(このような状況に加え、産業界の対立が日本を軍事・海軍競争へと駆り立てた。現在では、大きな商船と世界第3位の海軍を擁している)
・船舶 連合艦隊
The climax of the struggle for equality came in 1934 at the London Naval Conversations.The resulting impasse can be resolved only through a friendly approach.

"Love thy neighbor as thyself" "汝の隣人を汝自身のように愛せよ" キリスト教
To this end let us acquaint ourselves with this land and its people.
End of Part 1

●In the Home(家庭の中)
The Japanese housewife takes great pride in the beauty and cleanliness of her home.
The traditional dress and coiffure are works of art.
●Culture and Art(文化と芸術)
Although much of Japan's culture was originally imported from China, it has long since become har own.
Prints by the artists Harunohu,Hokusai, and Hiroshige
・仏師 仏像
The traditional dances, all motions of which are symbolical, are interpretations of ancient legends-as familiar to Japanese children as Mothe Goose to ours.
The writing of poems, especially the haiku, a seventeen syllable, three line form, is precalent among the Japanese, who compose them on both social and festive occasions.
(詩を詠むこと、特に俳句(五七五 17音節、3行の形式)は、日本人の間では古くから行われており、彼らは社交の場でもお祝いの場でも俳句を詠む)
Blind with memories I mounted to the ruins, And all was eglantines in flower.
(思い出に目がくらみ、私は廃墟に向かった。 ランタンが咲いていた)
The geisha girls are Japan's professional enterainers.
Taking her cue from America, Japan has laid great street on both health and education.
・幼児 小児科
・学校 滑り台 ブランコ 遊具
Her educational system is so well organized that today she is ninety-nine per cent literate.
・学校 授業
Japanse excel in athletics, which play a large part in their recreational activities.
・雪山登山 スケート
Baseball, too, has captured Japanese hearts, so that when Babe Ruth visited the country, he was given a hero's ovation.
・野球 観客
Japanese religion has for hundreds of years been a blend of the native Shinto with Buddhism and Confucianism, which were introduced from China.
・寺 参拝
Buddhism, permeated with the teachings of Confucius, contributes a moral philosophy of life together with much of the ceremonialism of Japan.
Shinto manifests itself in an intense religious patriotism and in veneration of the Emperor as direct descendant of the Sun Goddess, founder of Japan.
The frequent ceremonials, pilgrimages, and festivals reflect the deeply religious nature of the Japanese.
・祇園祭 鉾
End of Part 2(第2部終了)

Entrance to the Imperial Palace(皇居の入口)
Department of foreign Affairs(外務省)
Department of Justice(司法省)
The Japanese government is parliamentary in form.(帝国議会)
The new House of parliament(新議会)
The Army and Navy are responsible directly to the Emperor, who is Commander-in-Chief of both.
The modernized industries of Japan offer an interesting contraset to survivals of the old order.
・バス 船舶 蒸気機関車  
Rice, one of the staple foods, requires a great deal of hand labor for its production.
・農業 農家 田植え 稲刈り
Some 550,000 families are employed in the fishing industry, which supplies Japan with another staple food.
・漁業 漁師 
The precarious trade of the pearl diver forms a picturesque adjunct to the highly organized pearl industry.
・真珠産業 真珠製品
Many farmers supplement their incomes by the culture of silk worms, and provide much of the raw material for one of Japan's greatest industries.
・養蚕 繭 
Eighty per cent of the raw silk is exported to the United States.
・製糸工場 生糸
Tea, drunk at all meals and at all social occasions by both rich and poor, is grown in the central and southern islands.
・茶畑 茶摘み
・茶道 抹茶 お点前
Most of the raw cotton for Japan's great spinning and weaving industries is purchased from the United States.
・貨物船 生糸 
Efficient manufacturing processes, plus the low cost of labor, have rewarded Japanese ambition with successful competition in world markets.
As in other countries, industrialization has led to overcrowded tenements and slum districts a condition which Japan is now fighting.
It is significant that in spite of rumors of war, Japan and the United States are among each other's best costomers.Such a friendly relationship is the best possible insurance agianst war.
・桜 ワシントンD.C.
Speaking under the cherry trees given by his people to ours, the late Ambassador, Hirosi Saito, summed up the hope of the Japanese: that the friendship these tree symbolize may continue through the years.
・桜まつり 斎藤博駐米大使


Japan and Her Problems (silent picture)