図書エイゴ カイワ ハンドブック000061040


小川 正 著

1 Salutation 〔挨拶〕
A Parting 〔別辭〕
Thanking for a Favour 〔感謝用句〕
Apologizing 〔謝罪用句〕
Asking a Favour 〔依賴用句〕
Titles 〔敬稱〕
2 To Chime in with 〔相槌用句〕
3 State of health 〔健康〕
4 Time and Hour 〔時と時間〕
Time 〔時刻〕
Hour 〔時間〕
5 At Table 〔食事〕
Breakfast 〔朝食〕
Lunch 〔晝食〕
Afternoon Tea 〔茶〕
Dinner 〔晩餐〕
6 A Visit 〔訪問〕
At the Door 〔戶口にて〕
The Servant and his Master 〔召使と主人〕
At the Parlour 〔應接間〕
Visiting a Friend 〔友人の訪問〕
A Lady and a Gentleman 〔紳士と(貴族)婦人〕
7 Introduction 〔紹介〕
Introducing a Friend 〔友人の紹介〕
Introducing Oneself 〔自己紹介〕
With a Letter of Introduction 〔紹介狀を持ちて〕
8 Shopping 〔買物〕
At the Stationer's 〔文房具店にて〕
At the Bookseller's 〔書籍店にて〕
At the Hatter's 〔帽子店にて〕
At the Shoemaker's 〔靴屋にて〕
At the Milliner's 〔婦人小間物店にて〕
At the Tailor's 〔洋服店にて〕
At a Hosier's 〔洋品店にて〕
At the Draper's 〔吳服屋にて〕
At the Umbrella Dealer's 〔洋傘店にて〕
At the Jeweller's 〔貴金屬店にて〕
At the Watchmaker's 〔時計屋にて〕
At the Furniture Dealer's 〔家具店にて〕
At the Curio Dealer's 〔骨董屋にて〕
At the Hardware Dealer's 〔金物店にて〕
At the Grocery Store 〔食料品店にて〕
At the Fishmonger's 〔魚屋にて〕
At the Butcher's 〔肉屋にて〕
At the Greengrocer's 〔靑物店にて〕
At the Florist's 〔花屋にて〕
At the Tobacconist's 〔煙草店にて〕
At the Optician's 〔眼鏡店にて〕
At the Chemist's 〔藥種屋にて〕
9 At the Station 〔停車場にて〕
A Passenger and a Railway Employee 〔旅客と驛員〕
Passenger and Porter 〔旅客と赤帽〕
At the Booking Office 〔出札口にて〕
At the Luggage Office 〔手荷物取扱所にて〕
At the Cloack Room 〔携帶品一時預所にて〕
At the Parcel Office 〔小荷物掛室にて〕
At the Wicket 〔改札口にて〕
10 Telephone 〔電話〕
11 Years of Age 〔年齡〕
12 Time and Date 〔日と時〕
13 Enquiring the Way 〔道を尋ねる場合〕
14 Taking a Walk 〔散歩〕
15 A Visit to a Sick Person 〔病氣見舞〕
16 Smoking 〔喫煙〕
17 Fete and Anniversary 〔祝祭日と記念日〕
The New Year 〔新年〕
Military Review 〔觀兵式〕
The Doll's Festival 〔雛祭〕
The Boy's Festival 〔端午の節句〕
Christmas 〔クリスマス〕
The End of the Year 〔年末〕
18 Games and Sports 〔運動競技〕
Midwinter Exercise 〔寒稽古〕
Judo and Kendo 〔柔道及劍道〕
Boxing 〔拳鬪〕
Hunting and Fishing 〔狩りと釣り〕
Battledore and Snow Image 〔羽子板と雪達磨〕
Lawn-Tennis 〔庭球〕
Base-Ball 〔野球〕
Golf 〔ゴルフ〕
The Regatta 〔競漕〕
Swimming 〔水泳〕
Skiing and Skating 〔スキーとスケート〕
Chess 〔西洋將棋〕
Card Party 〔カルタ會〕
Marjong 〔麻雀〕
Riding a Horse 〔乘馬〕
Aerial Derby 〔飛行競技〕
The Races 〔競馬〕
Camping 〔キヤンピング〕
Picnic 〔ピクニツク〕
Hiking 〔ハイキング〕
Mountaineering 〔登山〕
19 Health and Sickness 〔健康と病氣〕
Dentist 〔齒醫者〕
With an Oculist 〔眼科醫〕
With a Docter 〔醫者〕
In a Hospital 〔病院にて〕
20 Post and Telegraph 〔郵便及電信〕
Post and Parcel 〔手紙及小包〕
Money Order 〔爲替〕
Telegram 〔電報〕
21 At School 〔學校にて〕
New Term 〔新學期〕
A Lesson 〔學業〕
Home Task 〔宿題〕
Examination 〔試驗〕
Athletic Meeting 〔陸上運動會〕
Excursion 〔修學旅行〕
The Library 〔圖書室〕
To Go Home 〔歸省〕
Graduation Ceremony 〔卒業式〕
22 Social Conversation 〔社交會話〕
Concert 〔音樂會〕
Painting 〔繪畫〕
At the Dancing-room 〔ダンス場にて〕
The Cinema 〔映畫〕
International Exhibition 〔萬國博覽會〕
Play-going 〔芝居見物〕
23 Hotel and Restaurant 〔旅館及料理屋〕
At a Hotel 〔旅館にて〕
To Take Lodging 〔間借り〕
At a Boarding House 〔下宿屋にて〕
The Café and Restaurant 〔カフエーと料理店〕
24 Vehicles 〔乘物〕
A Taxi 〔タキシー〕
The Tram and the Bus 〔電車とバス〕
The Underground Railway 〔地下鐵道〕
The Aeroplane and the Airship 〔飛行機と飛行船〕
The Bicycle and the Motor-cycle 〔自轉車及自動自轉車〕
25 Travelling 〔旅行〕
Starting 〔出發〕
Farewell-visit 〔暇乞〕
The Custom House 〔稅関〕
Travelling by Steamer 〔汽船旅行〕
At the Station 〔ステーシヨンにて〕
At the Platform 〔フオームにて〕
In the Car 〔車中にて〕
At the Steamship Company 〔船會社にて〕
At the Wharf 〔波止場にて〕
Aerial Navigation 〔航空〕
At the Money-changer's 〔兩替店にて〕
26 Miscellaneous Sentences 〔雜文〕
Spring 〔春〕
Summer 〔夏〕
Autumn 〔秋〕
Winter 〔冬〕
In the Garden 〔花園にて〕
The Rainy Season 〔梅雨〕
The Sea-Bathing 〔海水浴〕
Chirping Insect 〔秋の虫〕
A Charity Bazaar 〔慈善市〕
Fires 〔火事〕
The Earthquake 〔地震〕
Typhoon 〔颱風〕
Newspapers and Magazines 〔新聞雜誌〕