戦前・戦後検閲資料及び文書(1955年以前) Vol.1
Volume 1
Explanatory Notes
MJ68 List of the Gaimusho documents confiscated and later stored in WDC (Gaimu Daijin Kanbo Bunshoka, 1947)
WDC 接収外務省記録目録(外務大臣官房文書課 昭和22[1947])
MJ136 Censorship police report (Naimusho Keihokyoku Toshoka,1931-1941)
出版警察報(内務省警保局図書課 昭和6-16[1931-1941])
MJ138 Documents of an open court case of former Japanese military personnel being accused of the prcparation and use of the weapons for germ warfare (Gaikokugo Tosho Shuppanjo,1950)
細菌戦用兵器ノ準備及ビ使用ノ廉デ起訴サレタ元日本軍軍人ノ事件ニ関スル公判書類(モスクワ 外国語図書出版所,1950)
MJ143 Newspapers, pamphlets,and handbills banned by the Police Bureau,Ministry of Home Affairs, Japan, 1928-1940 (Hokuetsu Jihosha, [et al.],1928-1940)
[内務省警保局検閲・禁止新聞、パンフレット、チラシ類](北越時報社等 昭和3-15[1928-1940])
MJ144 Japanese rarities (Naimusho Keihokyoku,[et al.],1905-1945)
[諜報関係公文書](内務省警保局等 明治38-昭和20[1905-1945])
MOJ0107 Censorship police douments (Naimusho,1923-1938)
出版警察資料(内務省 大正12-昭和13[1923-1938])
MOJ37 Documents on Japanese police activities (part,revised)
(keishicho,1921-1945) (Formerly listed in Japanese Government Documents and Censored Publications,1992,p.119)
MOJ50 Documents of investigation into the customary practices in the real estate affairs in the urban areas of China (Minami Manshu Tetsudo Kabushiki kaisha Chosabu,1941-1943)
MOJ51 Documents of the investigation into the customary practices in the real estate affairs in Middle China(Mianami Manshu Tetsudo Kabushiki Kaisha,1941-1942)中支都市不動産慣行調査資料(南満州鉄道株式会社 昭和16-17[1941-1942])
MOJ56 Documents issued by Mantetsu (Minami Manshu Tesudo Kabushiki Kaisha,1925-1938) [満鉄資料](南満州鉄道株式会社 大正14-13 [1925-1938])
MOJ63 Records of the survey of customs in middle China,No.1-30 (Minami Manshu Tetsudo Kabushiki Kaisha Jimusho Chosashitsu,1941-1943)
中支慣行調査資料 第1-30輯(南満州鉄道株式会社上海事務所調査室 昭和16-18[1941-1943])
MOJ73 Foreign rights and interests in Chiao Chi Railway (Minami Manshu Tetsudo Kabushiki Kaisha Sangyobu,1937)
膠済鉄道ニ関スル外国権益(南満州鉄道株式会社産業部 昭和12 [1937])
MOJ78 Censored Japanese publications: Pre-1946(1917-1945)
[検閲出版物 一九四五年以前](大正6-昭和20[1917-1945])
MOJ89 Documents conceming publishing laws and regulations (Naimusyo Keihokyoku,1921)
出版法関係資料(内務省警保局 大正10[1921])
MOJ92 Records of various fiefs in the early Meiji period (1868-1871)
MOJ4231 Japanese documents of various government agencies, research institutes,etc.Part1 (1869-1955) #1-218
[政府・研究機関等の文書類] Part1(明治2-昭和30[1869-1955])#1-218